Performances Group acts:

French Can Can
The high-energy traditional French dance-with knickers and frills a plenty!
Moulin Rouge Can Can
From the film’s soundtrack -a more raucous version of the traditional Can Can dance.

Cheeky Chair Dance
A saucy chair routine with a difference- think films Cabaret meets Chicago.
Sassy Sailor Dance
Let our sassy sailor girls entertain you with their swing-jazz dance.

Vegas Showgirls
Gorgeous Las Vegas-style costumes & lots of high-kicks -this routine offers a great start to any show!
Oktoberfest Wenches
Inspired by Schuhplattler folk dance the girls stomp, clap and strike the soles of their shoes,thighs and knees with their hands.

What a Feeling!
Retro 80’s angle grinding & dance act, featuring performers grinding whilst the other performers dance Flash-dance movie style.
Zombie Thriller
Our flexible zombie & her friends scare the crowd before the zombies do a Thriller performance.